Ladies and gentlemen! Dear friends!

Happy the Unexpected Christmas Mailing in December Day!

Your personal Christmas digest from e—b agency

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Happy Last Year's Bread Day!
Happy Different Time Zones Congratulations Day!
Happy Sparklers Holes on the Carpet Day!
Happy Tinsel on the Sausage Counters Day!
Happy Cosmic Tangerines Prices Day!
Happy Christmas Tree Knocked Over by the Cat Day!
Happy Promises to Start a New Life Day!
Happy Corporate Calendar Exchange Day!
Happy New Year’s Playlist in Open Space Day!
Happy Chipping in for a New Christmas Tree Day!
Happy Corporate Party Instead of a Bonus Day!
Happy Simulated Work Day!
Happy Shortened Workday!
Happy "We'll Finish it Next Year” Day!
Happy Snowflakes and New Year Hats on Zoom Day!
Happy Last Year's Bread Day!
Happy Different Time Zones Congratulations Day!
Happy Sparklers Holes on the Carpet Day!
Happy Tinsel on the Sausage Counters Day!
Happy Cosmic Tangerines Prices Day!
Happy Christmas Tree Knocked Over by the Cat Day!
Happy Promises to Start a New Life Day!
Happy Corporate Calendar Exchange Day!
Happy New Year’s Playlist in Open Space Day!
Happy Chipping in for a New Christmas Tree Day!
Happy Corporate Party Instead of a Bonus Day!
Happy Simulated Work Day!
Happy Shortened Workday!
Happy "We'll Finish it Next Year” Day!
Happy Snowflakes and New Year Hats on Zoom Day!

The year turned out to be so eventful that we decided to share the results in advance.

Do not trust the calendar – one could say that the working year of 2023 has come to an end.

Do not trust the calendar – one could say that the working year of 2023 has come to an end.

And now, we would like to thank you 
for a busy and successful year of collaboration!

There are still many more new achievements, discoveries, and revolutions in the web design industry ahead!

There are still many more new achievements, discoveries, and revolutions in the web design industry ahead!
Yours, e—b agency.

Meet out almost last year's cases! Click to discover more

This year we were good creators, designers and Developers

No, we didn't overstuffed our turkeys. We are just used to nipping the Christmas tree in the bud.

in December your sledge remember

Сhaos Before Christmas

On the eve of the day of great queues 
in supermarkets, we will be too busy wrapping up the last orders to have time 
to send out postcards.
And then we will go on vacation altogether. Therefore, we congratulate you on the upcoming holiday now.

It’s beginning to cost a lot like Christmas

It happens that you postpone the creation 
of a new website throughout the year, and then there's not a penny left for it.
To avoid such pre-New Year sadness, we remind you to budget for the website in advance.

The ideal Christmas gift is 
a website

Corporate parties are quickly forgotten, especially with the most merry colleagues.
Meanwhile, an impressive website will stay with you for years to come. Designing such 
a gift takes time, so it's worth contacting us as early as possible.

The Christmas tree burns for those who did not order 
a website in time

Your website will be brighter than the neighbor's christmas decorations

hover to bring Christmas closer
Your website will be brighter than the neighbor's christmas decorations
2024 © е-b agency